11 February 2020
Reducing your Company’s Risk Exposure
Risk is part of everyday life. As individuals, we subconsciously complete dynamic risk assessments as part of our daily routine, whether it’s deciding where and when to cross the road or how we are going to install that new light fitting. We often don’t even consider risk transfer as an option, we choose to retain and manage the majority of the risks ourselves.
The same can be said of risk as it applies to business. Risks to business come in many forms, and the majority are retained and managed in-house. Risk transfer (insurance) is reactive and only delivers value when it is used i.e. when there is a claim. Managing risk is proactive, it reduces the likelihood and consequences of a loss, and can deliver value by reducing risk exposures.
Centor will work with you to provide the best risk solution for your business. It’s impossible to eliminate risk entirely, but by reviewing your business we can help you to identify and evaluate the risks that your business faces and provide a solution for the best way to manage them, by removing them, reducing them, or transferring them.
The regulatory framework of Health & Safety law is complex. You can tap into the expertise of our Health & Safety professionals to advise you on what you need to do to achieve compliance and keep you on the right side of the law.
On the wider front, we will work with you to devise and implement risk control measures across your business whether it be property protection or environmental issues. Preventing losses will save you business costs and could help you create a competitive advantage.
Business Continuity Planning
If things do go wrong, you need a robust response to demonstrate the resilience of the business to your customers. A Business Continuity Plan, prepared under the guidance of our Business Continuity consultant, will prioritise your products and services, analyse the impacts that a loss could have on the business, and put in place a framework to manage the consequences of the loss and help the business to recover.
A proactive risk management approach will help to ensure that your business is in the best position to survive whatever fate has in store.
For more information, get in touch with:
Keith Marlow – Risk Management Division Manager
020 7256 7300
Alternatively, click here for more information.
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