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19 January 2023

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New legislation – Fire Safety Act 2021 & Fire Safety England Regulations 2022

In response to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry’s recommendations, the Government introduced The Fire Safety Act 2021 to amend the Fire Safety Order 2005 (FSO). It has subsequently amended this with the Fire Safety England Regulations 2022.

This new legislation is very relevant if you have properties with residential tenants as you will need to comply with this new legislation.

The new legislation coming into effect from 23rd January 2023 addresses a potential legal ambiguity in FSO about whether the external walls and flat entrance doors of multi-occupancy residential buildings with two or more domestic premises should be included in the building’s fire risk assessment.

We have produced a Risk Guide about this, which you can read below.

Fire Safety Act 2021 and Fire Safety England Regulations

If you have any questions in regards to this new legislation, please speak to your Account Manager or our dedicated Risk Management Division about this.