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10 March 2022

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Our BCorp Impact Score

We’re proud to be part of a community that is committed to doing good for the planet and its people and to be awarded this accreditation, we, like the other BCorp members undertake an assessment to gauge our impact score.

The assessment comprehensively covers the impact of a business on all of its stakeholders, including its workers, suppliers, community, and the environment. The Assessment also captures best practices regarding mission, measurement, and governance. The last, heavily weighted, portion of the Assessment identifies the company’s specific “Impact Business Models,” which include the targeted, formal focus on a benefiting a particular stakeholder through products and services or internal practices.

We have undergone our latest assessment and scored 82 on this. The median score for ordinary businesses who complete the assessment is currently 50.9.

If you would like to know how to become a BCorp member, have a look at their website here.