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12 October 2022

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Join us next week for our Business Continuity Webinar: Creating Certainty

Your people are your most important asset and how you protect them, and create certainty, is a key factor in your business continuity planning.

Discussing the questions below, you’ll leave with a clear idea of how this supports your business resilience.

1. People are our most important asset is an often-used phrase. How can a BCP help to protect your employees?
2. What is a key driver to the retention and recruitment of staff?
3. Why is communication such a critical element in the creation of certainty?
4. What other aspects need to be considered in the creation of certainty for employees?
5. How does the structure of the Business Continuity team affect how these aspects are considered?

Registration is free. Invite your colleagues to register too.

Link to register your place.