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15 October 2020

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HSE Inspection Initiative Construction Industry

The HSE will be carrying out an inspection initiative focussing on the  Construction Industry between 5th and 30th October.

The initiative has two main purposes:

As COVID-Security is a critical health risk in the wider aim of helping people back into workplaces safely and supporting the economy, an initial COVID-19 spot check will be carried out.

Once satisfied a site is COVID-secure, the inspectors will focus on respiratory risks to support the HSE’s continuing strategy to improve the health of construction workers. In particular, they will look at the measures in place to protect workers from occupational lung disease caused by asbestos and construction dusts.

Respiratory risks are established hazards to health that the construction industry should now be managing, but priority is still often given to safety, with more workers suffering ill-health at work than are harmed by accidents at work.

Asbestos and dust are slow killers and construction businesses and workers need to be aware of how dangerous and hazardous to someone’s health such substances can be.

Inspectors will look to ensure those involved with construction projects:

  • Know the risks
  • Plan the work
  • Use the right controls

Where poor standards are found, enforcement action will be taken.

If you would like assistance to help make your site COVID-Secure, or would like further information on respiratory risks and appropriate controls, Centor’s Risk Management professionals can help. For further information, contact Keith Marlow by email at or give him a call on 07568 146606.