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9 February 2022

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How to combat the ‘flight risk’ when 4 in 10 parents are looking to move jobs in 2022.

A worrying headline, but one which is borne out in a recent article by HR News. They report how the latest figures from the 2022 Modern Families Index Spotlight show that four in 10 working parents are looking for a new job in 2022. Workers focus has shifted since the pandemic, and with a backdrop of the ‘Great Resignation’, it seems that employees are considering their wide family obligations. This may be why childcare and eldercare are now a key consideration for many workers.

As an employer it can be hard to differentiate your offering in a competitive market, whilst trying to combat the ‘flight risk’ of staff. 

Employee Benefit packages are a key consideration which can help with this.

More information on the different service offered can be found here. Paul Mardlin, our Employees Director is also on hand to help. Email him here.