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30 November 2022

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Health and Safety At Work – HSE Executive Statistics and our Risk Guides

Health and Safety Statistics 2022 and our Risk Guides to help combat some of these alarming stats.

Health & Safety Guide

  • 36.8 million working days lost due to work-related ill health and non-fatal workplace injury in 2021/22.
  • £7.6 billion Annual costs of workplace injury in 2019/20

Slips Trips and Falls Guide

  • 6.0 million working days lost due to non-fatal workplace injuries according to self-reports from the Labour Force Survey in 2021/22
  • 30% of non-fatal injuries to employees by most common accident kinds (as reported by employers), 2021/22 were due to slips and trips

Working at Height Guide

  • 123 workers killed in work-related accidents in 2021/22 with fall from height being the main cause.

Display Screen Equipment Guide

  • 477,000 workers suffering from a work-related musculoskeletal disorder

HSH Health Safety of Homeworkers

  • 914,000 workers suffering from work-related stress, depression or anxiety