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12 October 2016

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How Employee Benefits can help prevent stress in the workplace


A recent survey found 70% of people said stress was a problem in their workplace – is yours one of them?

The report was released on Monday 10th October by Trades Union Congress (TUC) to coincide with World Mental Health Day.

The survey of more than 1,000 health and safety representatives, revealed there was an increase in stress among staff of medium-sized companies, with 75% citing it as a top-five concern compared with 62% two years ago.

TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady says it is in no one’s interests to have overstretched workforces:

“People who experience high anxiety are less productive and are more likely to take time off. Stress is preventable if staff have reasonable workloads, supportive managers and a workplace free from violence, bullying and harassment.”

Centor’s Employee Benefits director Paul Mardlin agrees and says having an excellent employee benefits package in place is one way to reduce the occurrence of stress in the workplace:

“This can be through something as simple as giving staff access to private medical insurance, free counselling and stress management through an Employee Assistance Programme. This can make a huge difference to how your staff feel in the workplace.

“Providing your employees with access to quick medical diagnoses and treatment also reduces staff turnover and absenteeism meaning that there is a pay-back for your business if you get the right package in place. By working closely with our clients we create just the right mix of benefits at prices they can afford and which have a positive and measurable impact on their business.”

Call 0207 256 7300 to speak to the Centor’s Employee Benefits team to find out how they can help you and your staff.