21 November 2018
Centor signs up to the London Healthy Workplace Charter
More than 50 businesses and organisations from across the capital had their commitment and investment in employee welfare celebrated last night as they were awarded the London Healthy Workplace Charter, supported by the Mayor of London.
Some 27.3 million working days are lost each year in London because of sickness absence or injury and an estimated 914,300 adults of working age in the capital are affected by mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, costing London’s businesses and industries £10.4 billion each year.
The London Healthy Workplace Charter helps organisations address some of the biggest challenges businesses face. These include recruitment and staff retention, sickness absence and employee productivity. Organisations are encouraged to address these challenges by developing wellbeing programmes across a wide range of areas, including mental health support, tackling smoking, alcohol and substance misuse, improving physical activity and promoting healthy eating.
Neil Walton, CEO comments
“Our people are our greatest asset and it’s crucial that we invest in their welfare. Signing up to the London Healthy Work Place Charter further demonstrates our commitment to the health and wellbeing of our staff.”