Page 2 - Centor Global Insurance brochure
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1 DOES YOUR INSURER HAVE A HIGHLY SKILLED AND EXPERIENCED MULTINATIONAL TEAM? Our preferred global insurer has a team of specialists focused on 2 delivering the best global insurance solutions. We ensure that they have underwriters and claims co-ordinators in every country where they have an office, responsible for policy issuance and IS YOUR INSURER’S FIRST premium payments across the world. LINE OF CLIENT RESPONSE A WEBSITE OR A MULTINATIONAL SPECIALIST? HOW DO YOU WANT CLAIMS MANAGED? Multinational programmes cannot be led by a website, no matter how good its functionality. We ensure local specialists handle claims in the You need direct access to people who same language and time zone. We ensure they have understand your business who can respond the expertise to solve problems with specialist local immediately and effectively. Our preferred suppliers. 3 insurers have invested in people and systems to support this work, not to lead it. The 10 Key Questions To Ask ... 4 CAN YOUR INSURER IDENTIFY RISK MANAGEMENT HOW BROAD IS THE COVER IN EVERY IMPROVEMENTS? COUNTRY WHERE YOU HAVE AN INTEREST? Our preferred insurers have numerous loss control specialists worldwide to 5 You benefit from underlyers which comply with local help you identify risk management market suppliers while the breadth of cover and the master policy sets our preferred insurers apart. improvements.
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